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This Queer Book Saved My Life Live with Chloé Caldwell and Mia Arias Tsang

April 10, 6 pm7:30 pm.
This Queer Book – Brooklyn Public Library

The GLAAD Media Award nominated podcast This Queer Book Saved My Life will be live at Brooklyn Public Library featuring Mia Arias Tsang and Chloé Caldwell. Moderated by host and founder John Parker, the conversation will be an evening of queer first loves, heartbreaks, friendship, finding oneself through writing, and just a little bit of internet stalking.

Tsang will share the life-saving impact Caldwell’s novella Women had for her: how it helped her overcome queer heartbreak, driving her to find Caldwell in real life, enroll in Caldwell’’s writing classes, champion Women’s re-release, and ultimately develop a friendship that years later would prove life-saving for Caldwell herself.

The program will include featured readings from Tsang, Caldwell and Parker, including from: Women, Tsang’s new essay collection Fragments of Wasted Devotion (2025), and Chloé’s forthcoming book Trying (August 2025).

Books will be available for sale and preorder by local queer bookstore Hive Mind Books.

This event is funded in part by Poets & Writers with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

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790 Bushwick Ave. at DeKalb Ave.
Brooklyn, New York 11221