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Sister Mary’s Playtime

June 20, 7 pm8:30 pm.

This June, all the way from London, Sister Mary presents her newest show SISTER MARYS PLAYTIME. Sister Mary was a foundling, discovered on the steps of St Peter’s of the Sister’s of the Third Removed, in the heart of London’s West End. It is rumoured she is the secret love child of West End musical theatre star Elaine Paige. Sister Mary loves showtunes, telling stories and making homemade flapjacks. Accompanied on the organ by her long-suffering side kick Brother Matthew. Join Sister Mary as she battles the blues with her singing and her unique style of comedy. No pulpit. No psalms. No prayers. She’s not that kind of nun. Sister Mary is here to spread love and musical joy and that’s exactly what she is going to do!


407 West 42nd Street
New York, PA 10036 United States