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PRIDE + JOY: Variety Show + Party + Benefit Gala

June 5, 7 pm11:59 pm.
Tickets start at $50

PRIDE & JOY is a night of pure celebration filled with performance art, queer joy, poly pride, glamor, extravagance and dancing!

7-8pm Cocktail Hour
8-10pm Variety & Performance Showcase
10pm-12am Afterparty & Dancing

Dress to Express your Pride & JOY!
Queer excellence, gala glamour, fabulous fun, real radiance.

All proceeds will support Chosen Family Law Center’s free legal services for low-income LGBTQIA+ families, asylum seekers, & trans communities in New York, and national legislative advocacy & public education for LGBTQIA+, polyamorous, and non-nuclear families!

As this is a fundraiser AND we want it to be accessible to the community, please buy tickets at the highest price tier that works for you to leave some tickets for low-income community members to join.


2 Wyckoff Avenue
Brooklyn, 11237 United States