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DeliaDelia! The Flat-Chested Witch!

December 14, 2024, 7:30 pm8:30 pm.
DeliaDelia Promo Image

Amando Houser who is “particularly funny” (Vulture) and “not normal at all” (Philippe Gaulier) invites you to an unhinged clown hour of self discovery. Inspired by the “witch hunt” on trans rights in the United States, DeliaDelia is a flat-chested witch from the swamps who happens to be as nasty on the eyes as she is on the basketball court. On a quest to become a “real girl” and join a human basketball team, will she finally get her shot at greatness, or will she be cursed forever and turned into a serpent?

Starring Amando Houser as DeliaDelia 🧙‍♀️
Featuring K Hurley as Pussy 🐈‍⬛

Directed by Kedian Keohan
Sound design by K Hurley

Puppet by Maddie Assarsson
I’m DeliaDelia Music by Simon Paris

Graphic design by Julia Girardoni
Marketing support by K Hurley Studio

CW: Loud sounds and adult language

DeliaDelia! The Flat Chested Witch! received research and development support from Fisher Center LAB, the Fisher Center at Bard‘s residency and commissioning program.

Find them: @deliadelianyc amandohouser.com @justkedian justkedian.com @a_femme_url khurley.info

Photo by Maia Saavedra


579 Metropolitan Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11211 United States