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Book Release Party for Regie Cabico and Drew Pisarra

May 31, 7 pm9 pm.
$10 donation

The Bureau of General Services – Queer Division will host a joint book release party for poets of two new exciting poetry collections: Regie Cabico (A Rabbit in Search of a Rolex) and Drew Pisarra (Fassbinder: His Movies, My Poems).

Advance Praise for A Rabbit in Search of a Rolex
“A must read for anyone seeking to experience poetry that pushes the literary boundaries of our creative imaginations.” – Dr. Karen Jaime, The Queer Nuyorican

Advance Praise for Fassbinder: His Movies, My Poems
“This book is a party in poetry, a wry, sly burst of beauty, attitude, and art.” – novelist Monica Drake, The Folly of Loving Life

About the Authors: Regie Cabico is the first openly queer and Asian American poet to win the Nuyorican Poets Cafe Grand Slam. He’s appeared on HBO, NPR, and TEDx Talk. He is the executive director for A Gathering of the Tribes.

Drew Pisarra is the author of two sonnet collections (Periodic Boyfriends, and Infinity Standing Up), two short story collections (You’re Pretty Gay, and Publick Spanking), and two radio plays (The Strange
Case of Nick M., and Price in Purgatory).



208 W. 13th St., Room 210
New York, NY 10011 United States